Available programs for study in Thailand





Business, International Relations, and Marketing are the most common subjects or majors for study abroad in Thailand, but that doesn’t mean that programs in Communications, Environmental Studies, Photography, or Creative Writing aren’t also available.


Though Thai is the most widely spoken language among locals, fluency in the language is not needed to get by. The tourist industry is Thailand’s largest source of income, and the majority of Thais speak English. International students should take classes in English, but locals can invite you to pursue Thai as well.

When To Go

The best time to study in Thailand depends primarily on your preferred climate. The dry season (November to February) is ideal because it avoids the tropical monsoon rain and heat of the spring and summer months. If you don’t mind being a little damp or sticky, however, you can choose from study abroad programs that are available at any time of year!

The academic year in Thailand is divided into two semesters, from June to October and November to March, as well as a summer session from April to May. However, several Thai colleges have changed the start and end dates of their semesters to align with the American school schedule, making it more difficult for students who choose to study in Thailand to do so.